Help Wanted: Hard work, Good Fun, and Adventure involved

The time of year has come when we start the search.  We know they're out there, we just have to find them.  We'll look high.  We'll look low.  We'll look in our neighborhood and we might look in yours. What are we searching for? We're searching for the perfect combination of individuals to be our staff for the 2017 summer season.  Do you or someone you know what to give it a shot? Here are a few traits we look for in our employees:1. You "get" teamwork.  We all work together around here.  Your job description might be one thing, but you will often find yourself [...]

Help Wanted: Hard work, Good Fun, and Adventure involved2018-12-03T17:08:37+00:00

Thankful at Drowsy Water

Over the years at Drowsy Water Ranch, Randy Sue has cooked thousands of turkeys, baking and carving one to three of them each and every Sunday throughout the summer.   We welcome our guests with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, serving the meat with Randy Sue's homemade mashed potatoes, rolls made from scratch, stuffing, veggies, and cranberries.   This meal, typically served at a time we are all supposed to appreciate the gifts and people around us, is a perfect summary for what we do at Drowsy Water; an ideal prelude to a magical week where you can appreciate nature, family, and friends.We take our time [...]

Thankful at Drowsy Water2018-12-03T17:08:47+00:00

GHOST TOWN! Spooky times around the ranch!

In summer, the ranch is full of laughter and light as the long days light up our valley and our guests light up our spirits.  Now, in fall, the ranch is somewhat of a ghost town, tucked away in the silence of our secluded little valley.  The guests are long gone and darkness sinks in quicker each day, bringing with it a different kind of spirit.  Being alone at the ranch around Halloween, it's often hard not to lose yourself in the sounds of the night: the small cracks and crunches that come from a forest, and the creaks and moans of empty buildings. [...]

GHOST TOWN! Spooky times around the ranch!2018-12-03T17:09:02+00:00

Closing down shop

Summer has come to an end and so has our fun with guests, family, and friends.  We had a wonderful 2016 summer.  Now we take the time to drain the pipes, clean out the refrigerators, pull the horse shoes and send the herd out to fall pasture.  It's a bittersweet feeling saying goodbye to our summer.  We are sad to say goodbye to all our great guests and staff, but happy to see life return to a less hectic pace.  We watch as the leaves fall to the ground and we look forward to all the adventures and peace and quiet our winters hold.We [...]

Closing down shop2018-12-03T17:09:10+00:00

Back to Saddle School

With students heading back to schools around the country, it's hard not to think about pencils and school shoes.  Here at Drowsy Water, we have a few rebel boys (and girls) still hanging around the ranch, not ready to go back to lined paper and pink erasers.  Nope, these boys aren't giving up on summer yet.  Want to come along for an all-day ride with one such group of range-riding fellas?  Come see that they might be learning more by being back in the saddle than back in school.It's not a traditional classroom, but we certainly provide some kind of cowboy class here at Drowsy [...]

Back to Saddle School2018-12-03T17:09:17+00:00

In the swing of things

Our 2016 season is well under way. We have a few weeks under our belt now, the staff is trained and working hard, the guests are smiling and having fun, and the horses are shiny and healthy.  Nell Pollak, long time guest and staff member, recently took a break from her L.A. life to visit, work, and take some awesome photos. Here are just a few from her album that capture a week at Drowsy Water Ranch. In the photo up top, Ken cooks up breakfast ride eggs as part of his weekly tradition. How many eggs on the menu this week? 140 eggs [...]

In the swing of things2016-06-29T13:14:00+00:00

DWR Horse Trivia

We have a number of horses around Drowsy Water Ranch.  How many? Well, you'll have to read below to find out! I'll give you a hint--it's a big number. We like it that way so we can confidently know we can have a horse for every rider in your family during your vacation at DWR.  Read below for a few fun trivia questions about our herd. Answers are all at the bottom. Q1. How many horses are in the Drowsy Water Herd?Q2. What is the average age of the herd?Q3. Does Drowsy Water own more mares or geldings?Q4. How many horses currently in the herd were born at [...]

DWR Horse Trivia2016-04-21T03:18:00+00:00

March Mooodness

Like many folks enjoying life off the ranch, March at Drowsy Water involves a lot of watching, waiting and holding your breath. No, we're not huge basketball fans, but our game now is about the cows and their calves.  We wait, we watch, we check, we repeat. Just down the road from the ranch, we keep our herd of about 30 cows.  All the cows should be bred ---seeing as we put our bull with them about 272 days ago--but we didn't have the vet check to make sure this year.  We can make an educated guess based on the size of their bellies [...]

March Mooodness2016-03-25T13:08:00+00:00

This is it! DWR in Parents Mag!

Looking for your next great family all-inclusive vacation? THIS IS IT! We are proud to say we made it on Parents Magazine's Best All-Inclusive Travel list.  Check out the article from Parents Magazine here! 

This is it! DWR in Parents Mag!2016-03-07T21:20:00+00:00

Willing the warmth from inside the DWR kitchen

It's February at Drowsy Water and we are still in the thick of winter.  We've seen a few warm days lately and we have watched as our mountainous snow banks have melted down to mere snow hills.  The little break in the cold reminds us just how much we miss the sun's warmth during these winter months and it reminds us just how much we look forward to our days roaming the mountains in the summer sun.  In the meantime, we continue to hunker down inside much of the time finding ways to keep busy until working and playing outside is a little more [...]

Willing the warmth from inside the DWR kitchen2016-02-24T20:11:00+00:00