Ranch in Winter
While a lot of the country starts to think about spring, we still worry about winter up here in the Rockies. Here are a few shots of Drowsy Water Ranch in the winter.
While a lot of the country starts to think about spring, we still worry about winter up here in the Rockies. Here are a few shots of Drowsy Water Ranch in the winter.
One of our horses received some extra special lovin' last week. And if there was ever a horse that needed and deserved a few extra X's and O's, it's this guy, Bobby Sox. Bobby Sox is not exactly our best-looking steed, nor is he our fastest mount but you'll have a hard time finding a rock, bush, stump, plastic sack, cow, bird or dog that can spook this dude. He is what we call "bomb-proof" in the horse industry. He is friendly and easy-going and he takes great care of his riders.One such rider just couldn't stand to be away from him until next [...]
The Wittmann family vacationed with us during our June 20th week this year. They did just about all you can do while at Drowsy Water Ranch, and I think it's fair to say they had a hoot of a time while here! Here's their week in photos. Yee-haw!First things first: you usually have a little bit of a drive to get to us. But don't worry, you'll get great views along the way. Here's a view from Berthoud Pass.When you get here, we show you around the ranch, show you where you'll be staying for the week, and, if needed, get you fit up [...]
Just wanted to say "Howdy!" and let you all know that we did it! Drowsy Water Ranch is now open for Ken and Randy Sue's 34th year!We may only have eight guests this week, we've been busy! Many of the horses were still out at pasture, frolicking in the Colorado sunshine. So we'd catch those doggies, load 'em in the trailer, and bring 'em home. And we've been having a lot of fun with our small crew of guests. We had a few go rafting on Tuesday, some great rides, a beautiful morning for our breakfast ride where we serve breakfast on top of [...]
Maybe it's because we have a little cowgirl running around. Or maybe I have a minor case of cabin-hermit fever. Or maybe I just have way too much time on my hands. Whatever it is, I am having a blast hiding Easter Eggs this year. What a place to hide eggs, too. This Colorado Dude Ranch has endless hiding spots. See if you can guess each spot!Oh, and yes, it is snowing. April 1st and still snowing. Hmmph.A horse feed box.In the pasture with the cows. The DWR sign post.In with the chicks. I hope their eggs aren't this color when they start laying.In [...]
After having lived at Drowsy Water Ranch for the past year and a half, I’ve learned quite a few things. I’ve learned that horses eat…a lot. And when they finish all the hay in a pasture, they have to be moved to another place with more grub. Yesterday I went on a ranch field trip to help move all the horses from one winter pasture in Walden to another. It was another lesson in my ongoing ranch education. I’ve learned that it is really really really cold in Northern Colorado. I’ve learned that things never quite go as planned. The initial game plan was [...]
People might think that ranchers are not too quick, seeing as they live in the boonies and all. But that is not true. Not at all. In a lot of ways, ranching is just one giant science experiment. From figuring the best grasses for hay to building their own drainages and roads, ranchers have been doing science experiments for eons. Being a nerdy scientist myself, this has been a wonderful thing to learn about ranching. This FAQ--How do you brand a horse? -- is a prime example of a rancher science experiment. I'll walk you through the definition and the procedure. A brand is [...]
This is Lauren: summer wrangler and winter office assistant extraordinaire. I'm filling in for Gretta this week while she sunbathes on powder white beaches and swims in clear, turquoise waters.I'm not jealous at all. I like to think that mud season on the ranch is a lot like a tropical paradise.Now, I was originally going to devote this post to my fantastic wrangling abilities, my gorgeous horse, and my humility. But everyone already knows these things and there's no sense in preaching to the choir, so instead I'll leave you guys with some pictures of last summer to remind us that the mud season will one [...]
In an attempt to answer some of the most commonly asked questions asked by our guests during the summer, I'm starting a little FAQ (frequently asked questions) series. So in this, the first FAQ edition, we will learn the answer to the question: "What do the Horses do All Winter?" The answer is simple. They go to pasture, eat, drink, and be merry. Where they go to pasture is more of a perplexing question. Depending on their age, ability to sustain weight and potential use around the ranch, the horses have three options for winter living. First, the older horses as well as the horses that [...]