Ranch Pyromaniacs

As you've  probably heard, this area of the state is seeing one of the worst pine beetle attacks in recent history. At this point, there is nothing we can do to stop the beetle.  We hopelessly watch as our pristine forests of green pines fall prey to the insect and turn the tell-tale red-brown color of a dead tree. Experts expect pine forest devastation in this area to reach nearly 100 percent. While this is heart-wrenching to watch, it's is just Mother Nature doing her thing.  And, that crazy gal, Mother Nature, doesn't leave us without a few silver linings. First, the aspen trees are alive and well [...]

Ranch Pyromaniacs2009-04-16T19:11:00+00:00

New Baby for Drowsy Water Ranch

I've said it before and I'll say it again: living on a family ranch in Colorado means you get to experience life up close. Births, deaths, traumas and triumphs are all just part of the job. Today's post is about one of the happiest (and cutest) parts of the living on a Colorado dude ranch--the babies.We had our first baby calf towards the end of last week. She is a heifer (girl-cow) and comes from one of Randy Sue's newest cows. Isn't she just adorable? Baby cows are some of the cutest things you'll ever see at a ranch. They are all awkward and [...]

New Baby for Drowsy Water Ranch2009-03-27T16:37:00+00:00

Hijacking the DWR Blog

 This is Lauren: summer wrangler and winter office assistant extraordinaire. I'm filling in for Gretta this week while she sunbathes on powder white beaches and swims in clear, turquoise waters.I'm not jealous at all. I like to think that mud season on the ranch is a lot like a tropical paradise.Now, I was originally going to devote this post to my fantastic wrangling abilities, my gorgeous horse, and my humility. But everyone already knows these things and there's no sense in preaching to the choir, so instead I'll leave you guys with some pictures of last summer to remind us that the mud season will one [...]

Hijacking the DWR Blog2009-03-19T01:09:00+00:00