Giving Thanks
This year might be a tough year to be thankful. The stock market is in the dumps, we're at war, the polar ice-caps are melting, and "our pets' heads are falling off!" (Oh, wait, I guess that last one isn't true. I just couldn't resist. You remember Dumb and Dumber, [...]
Colorado Dude and Guest Ranch Association 2008 Fall Conference
Ken, Randy Sue, Justin, Peyton and I spent the last three days in Beaver Creek at the annual Colorado Dude and Guest Ranch Association Convention. We convene twice yearly with other ranches in the association to swap stories and ideas. Peyton enjoyed the trip and liked getting to wear Dad's [...]
Mooo-vin’ Out
Friday was a big day for the calves. They finally moved off the ranch and are headed to cow-college. At college, they will develop into full-fledged cows and exit ready to fulfill their life's purpose. Their journey toward cow-hood began approximately a month ago when the little calves were weaned. Weaning is the [...]
Winter is Here!
Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Snowflake. It's been awhile since you've hung around here. While I can't honestly say that we've missed you, we do welcome you back. After a recent warm spell we finally received our first real snowfall. It calls for some celebration. It's wintertime!Wintertime on the ranch means [...]