
Drowsy Water Ranch Cowboy

There lives a young cowboyOn a dude ranch he stays.His summers are busyBut in winter he plays.June to SeptemberOne or two horses will do.But when winter months hitHe rides his  Ski-Do!(special thanks to G. Tremml and R. Fosha for photography skills I cannot seem to muster).

Dude Ranch Monday

I can't help but love living on a Colorado Dude Ranch in the winter.  The snow gently blankets the ground and all the buildings that, in the summer, host dudes from all corners of the earth. It's like the whole ranch is napping.  Resting up for the tireless hours of [...]

Drowsy Water Ranch Monday and it is Warm!

The last few days have been absolutely beautiful.  We've had unseasonably clear, warm (well, 30's, but that is warm here) and dry.  They're the kind of days that make you count your lucky stars that you live in Colorado.  And on the eve of a monumental change for our country, [...]

What we do in the winter Part I: A Drowsy Water Ranch Date

You know you've been livin' in the boonies for a while when you decide you want to go on a date with your husband and you are not talking about dinner and a movie.  You're not thinking a nice stroll in the park. Your not even thinking a concert might [...]

Colorado Dude Ranch Monday at the Barn-new snow

Around here, the snow creates a lot of work and it creates a lot of play. That means Ken is out plowing snow,  Randy Sue is out feeding horses and cows, Tyler is permanently wearing coveralls, and I, the lazy one, am drinking a lot of hot drinks in front [...]

The first Monday on a Colorado Dude Ranch

Greetings, earthlings.  Welcome to a new year.  Around the ranch, we have plenty to look back on and a lot to forward to.  Here's a few highlights from our ranch photo log from the last year, in no particular order.  Fall in Grand County.Moving cows to summer pasture.The spring flood. Ranch friends. A [...]