Wise Words
Over the centuries, there have been countless quotes spoken about the wonder and uniqueness of the horse. For today's blog, we've compiled a few of our favorites. "No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle." -Winston Churchill "The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and [...]
Active Recovery
The term “active recovery” is a well-known one among fitness enthusiasts. Those with a basic knowledge of fitness and exercise science know that Active Recovery is a crucial part of any fitness regimen. It refers to “rest days”—specifically, what to do on rest days. It’s important to take a break [...]
Another Day at the Office
The average day at Drowsy Water Ranch seems anything but average to us. But for the horses who work here, it's just another day at the office. For example, most mornings start out with bumper-to-bumper traffic. When you get to work, you head to your cubicle... ...and clear your inbox. [...]
Of Horses and Men(kind)
The relationship between a horse and a human doesn’t make sense. From a biological standpoint, we are predators, and they are prey. A horse’s instincts will tell him to fear humankind, and most of them definitely start out doing just that. Anyone who has ever worked with a brand-new horse [...]
Why you (and your kids) need to live on a dirt road (even for a week)
The road to Drowsy Water Ranch isn't paved. To get here, you turn north off Highway 40 onto County Road 219 and, almost immediately, you can say goodbye to the smooth, modern driving surfaces of asphalt or concrete. Get ready for the dust to start flying, for bumps in the [...]
From Scratch
When guests come to Drowsy Water Ranch, they know they'll be riding horses, hiking, dancing, and laughing. What they might not know prompts one very important question: "What's for dinner?"At Drowsy Water, we don't toot our horn over fancy food that is rated by this food critic or that. We don't [...]